- How has the Navigate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? Specifically address the standards listed above and link to or provide specific examples from your work in Navigate.
- What strategies will you take away from the Navigate module and apply to your teaching?
- What lessons were most beneficial for you?
Answer in a complete paragraph response:
Reading the Navigate module articles has prepared me to meet each standard listed above. The benefits of LMS was explained in detail. Several apps (canvas, blackboard etc.) are available that provided a plectra of information that can aid in student learning, teacher organization, and accountability as a whole. See example of Standard B, I, K
The strategies I will take away from the Navigate module is the importance of assessing, utilizing apps for instruction and and sharing information with stakeholders for accountability. Checks and balances are detrimental to the success of all parities.
The most beneficial lessons were the word walls. I truly enjoyed creating the word walls and researching the terms shared. The Synchronous and Asynchronous explanation was extremely beneficial to my learning experience.
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