Answer in your blog: How does integrating synchronous learning sessions within the online environment assist in developing a learning community for students? Discuss this question at length in your blog.
Integrating synchronous learning sessions allow students the ability to use apps that are congruent to their learning styles. Communication is more obtainable and easier to achieve. Communication can occur virtually in any environment when using synchronous learning sessions. Communicating via phone requires a person to set aside a time and date to conduct the learning session, therefore the environment must be conducive to all parties to ensure decrease distractions. Also some students are lacking communication skills and are more comfortable with learning through the tool. It in essence takes away the pressure of verbal auditory communication and learning with the teacher and student.
Create and post in your blog: An outline or lesson plan of a 30 minute synchronous session which you would facilitate. What activities would you include? What transitions are needed? How might you use the session as a formative assessment? How would your session build a learning community among your students?
Greeting- (3 Minutes) Allow students the opportunity to enter into the classroom. Play a cool song that engaging. Pose a ice breaker question or activity? How was your Spring Break? Did you doing anything interesting over the break? Explain. Allow students the opportunity to chat to each other and the instructor
Explicit Instruction (8 minutes) - Post the learning objectives and norms to allow students the opportunity to prepare for the lesson. Play power point slide allowing students to answer questions related to the lesson. Provide all links for students to access to prepare to actively engage in the lesson.
Complete Exercises (14 minutes)- Allow students to verbally engage in the lesson through questioning and answering. Students will also be required to show work and complete a formative assessment via google docs (in real time).
Close the class (5 minutes) by providing a recording link for students to access to review the class instruction. Review the essential question and provide a ticket out the door assignment. Also include the teacher email so students can ask questions later.
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