Based on your analysis of the (9) nine data images, how might the teacher adjust the course in the future based on the previous activity of these students? What other uses does data have for online instruction? What advantages do teachers who utilize data have over those that do not?
Analysis of the (9) data images
*The instructor has students who have various needs. Some students are higher achievers, others are lower or have a medical condition that requires educational adjustments. I also noticed that the classrooms do not appear to be balanced. This may create an issue for the students and teacher when it is time to discuss and share. The teacher may need to request that the classroom be balance to create an even playing field for all involved.
*Attachments (Quality of Assurance) are not provided to support the educator or student (See # of Attachments). The teacher should have attachments showing student work or feedback.
*Lack of messages (Quality of Assurance) --The frequency of messaging seems to be low. (See First Message/Last Message). The teacher began with communicating three times a week then decreased in the month of October to once. Communication did not exist between 9/28 and 10/7. The span of non communication was too long. The teacher needs to continue weekly communication to ensure accountability.
*Motivational Letter- The student letter grade should have been communicated on the motivational letter. Students need to know their level of achievement.
*Progress Chart---It appears that many students are behind considering that there are several zeros on the chart. The teacher needs to determine why are the students behind. Is it due to a lack of communication?
*Individual Comments--I noticed that the teacher had a few typos making it more difficult to understand the feedback. The teacher also repeated the same comment. Although the student performed well it was nice that the teacher offered feedback as to how to improve.
In conclusion, teachers that utilize data can adjust instruction and deliverance of instruction based on the findings. Teachers can use data as a teaching point, or proof of accountability (for the student and educator). When teachers utilize data when speaking with parents it can reveal the student participation level. The teacher has to be sure that the data shows proof of teacher interaction with the student to ensure that the teacher has completed his/her job effectively. Teacher and student accountability is imperative for the success of the student and educator. Teachers that do not have data are lacking as educators and may be held responsible for students lack of success.
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