The following questions will be discussed...
- How can a DLC ensure that citizens within the community have access to an environment where an AUP protects members as well as the community itself, where individuals uphold laws, and a cooperative/collective venture provides robust, safe, and ethical resources and opportunities for learning?DLC can ensure that citizens within the community have access to a safe AUP environment by ensuring that the participates are aware the expectations. For example, to ensure that citizens are safeguarded proper firewalls should be established to ensure hackers do not have access to the DLC. Users must be held accountable when laws are not upheld. Examples of safe and unsafe practices should be shared. Rules and expectations should be shared and strictly enforced. Those upholding the law should be praised thus creating a positive environment based off of positive actions.
- What is the best way to establish and maintain a flourishing DLC where citizens understand, observe, and are inclined to willingly support and ultimately benefit from Digital Rights and Responsibilities? The participates should take a quiz to show knowledge of the AUP prior to joining the DLC. Once successfully completing and passing the quiz the participate should be required to sign a participation agreement form.
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