The questions below will be examine to determine an ideal digital learning community...
- What would be needed to bring an ideal learning community to fruition? To bring an ideal learning community to fruition one must buy into the concept. Creating groups to partake in activities that are rewarding may attract learners. For example, students may need to connect physically or electronically to develop a community of learners. Online students spend the majority of their school day using a computer to complete instruction. Students should have the option of have a meet up day to step away from the computer and develop student peer and teacher relationships. In return a since of community will be established and students may connect thus enhancing peer to peer interaction in the online platform.
- What can one do to make an existing DLC more attractive to and welcoming for students and teachers? One can offer incentives by offering a point system to encourage participation. One can give a testimony of the benefits of participating thus creating a conversation. Students and teachers can participate in online forum before and after class for open discussion about topics discussed in class. Students should be invited to participate in online games and activities to remind students that learning is and should be fun. Teachers can also highlight students who are doing an awesome job in class. Praising students creates a positive environment that encourages other to participate and strive for success
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